What is CBT and how can it help me?

CBT is an action based talking therapy where you will learn how to identify and change unhealthy and disturbing thought patterns. During our sessions you will begin to learn and understand that its our thoughts and feelings that influence our behaviour.

CBT is widely used within the NHS and is recommended by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) for its effective treatment of a wide range of mental and emotional health issues.

I am passionate about helping mums (and Dads) and I feel that if you are paying to seek professional help then you should see someone who specialises in your specific issue rather than someone who treats a wide range of emotional and mental problems which is why I decided to niche my practice.

REBT the branch of CBT I am trained in works in the present and looks at how the unhealthy beliefs you are holding are negatively impacting your life.

We all have within us the ability to change our unhelpful core beliefs but sometimes we just need a helping hand from someone to get us on the right track.

What to expect from therapy sessions

The majority of my sessions are conducted via Skype. The key reason for this is I wanted to make my therapy practice available for anyone no matter where they were in the world and whatever their personal circumstances.

Offering sessions via Skype means I can do early mornings, late evenings, weekends, and better still, you don’t need to put make up on, make any sort of effort what so ever. I don’t care if you are in 3 day old jumpers with vomit on the shoulders as long as you show up for our session.

Sessions are typically one hour long and the first of those is usually an initial fact finding assessment and a get to know each other. Its important you feel we can work together. During this session I can answer any questions you may have and explain the therapy in more detail.